'Think About It', latest track from Joys EP titled 'Portal'.

Shot on location over there days in Te Waipounamu and the South Island, New Zealand whilst in-between two lockdowns and with a nimble crew of four.

The notion of seeking and reflection of self in Joys character and within the track, allowed the ability to align and tap into the ethereal tones and beauty of the landscapes that were on offer.

Our vision was to create a collection of moments that took the audience deep within, creating awe in the dream-like locations we found ourselves in.

The contemplative and simple actions of Joy gives the viewer the opportunity to digest the moment, give thought to the meaning and purpose being conveyed, and then be taken away to their own special world as 'Think About It' plays out.

Artist - Joy
DP - Louis C. Brandt
1st AC - Jack Single
Editors - Simon Morehead & Jack Toohey
Colourist - Alina Bermingham
Equipment - VA Digital, ARRI, Image Zone NZ
Shot with Arri Alexa Mini & Zeiss Master Primes
With special thanks to Adam Waaka and Ben Ruffell

Combining the team work of Production houses Sure Studios, Crater & Class Of.

